Internet Of Things:
Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices,
mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided
with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network
without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing
devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are
provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a
network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
The main objective of the
project is to develop an IOT (internet of things) based energy meter reading
displayed for units consumed and cost thereupon over the internet in chart and
gauge format.
For this innovative work we had
taken a digital energy meter whose blinking LED signal is interfaced to a
micro-controller of 8051 family through a LDR. The blinking LED flashes 3200
times for 1 unit. The LDR sensor gives an interrupt each time the meter
LED flashes to the programmed micro controller, the micro-controller takes this
reading and displays it on an LCD duly interfaced to the micro-controller. The
reading of the energy meter is also sent to a GSM modem being fed from the
micro-controller via level shifter IC and RS232 link. The sim used in the modem
being internet enabled transmits the data directly to a dedicated web page for
display anywhere in the world in multi level graphical format.
List of IOT Projects:
IOT Home Automation
IOT Patient Health MonitoringProject
IOT Based Wheelchair Fall Detection
IOT Garbage Monitoring System
IOT Electronic Door Opener
1. IOT Home Automation:
IOT Home Automation project is useful in controlling the home appliances. Home automation is the process of controlling home appliances automatically using various control system techniques. It controls electrical and electronic appliances in the home such as fan, lights, outdoor lights, fire alarm, kitchen timer, etc.
IOT Home Automation Project with different techniques:
There are various techniques to control home appliances such as IOT based home appliances over the cloud, home automation under WiFi through android apps from any smartphone, Arduino based home automation, home automation by android application based remote control, home automation using digital control, RF based home automation system and touch screen based home automation. IOT or internet of things is an upcoming technology that allows us to control hardware devices through the internet. Here we propose to use
IOT home automation project in order to control home appliances, thus automating modern homes through the internet.
Working of this project:
This system uses three loads to demonstrate as house lighting and a fan. Our user friendly interface allows a user to easily control these home appliances through the internet. For this system we use an AVR family microcontroller. This microcontroller is interfaced with a wifi modem to get user commands over the internet. Also we have an LCD display to display system status. Relays are used to switch loads. The entire system is powered by a 12 V transformer. After receiving user commands over the internet, microcontroller processes these instructions to operate these loads accordingly and display the system status on an LCD display.
Required Components & Materials
The essential components and materials for home automation are Wi-Fi module, Opto-coupler, TRIAC, resistors, capacitors, diode, regulator, loads (home appliances). There are various eCommerce websites that are providing facility to purchase all the required components online.