Friday, 7 July 2017

Water Level Controller

Water Level Controller

This article explains you how to detect and control the water level in an overhead tank or any other container. This water level controller system monitors the water level of the tank and automatically switches ON the motor when ever tank is empty. The motor is switched OFF when the overhead tank or container is FULL. Here the water level of the tank is indicated on LCD (Liquid crystal Display). Using this system, we can avoid the overflow of the water. We have already seen How water level indicator circuit works using AVR Microcontroller in the earlier post. But, here we are designing the circuit which is used to detect and control the water level automatically in overhead tank using 8051 microcontroller.
In this system water sensing can be done by using a set of 4 wires which are placed at different levels in tank. DC supply probe is placed at the base of the tank.

Water Level Controller using 8051 Circuit Principle:

This system mainly works on a principle that “water conducts electricity”. The four wires which are dipped into the tank will indicate the different water levels. Based on the outputs of these wires, microcontroller displays water level on LCD as well as controls the motor.
Taking quality as our motto, we are engaged in manufacturing and supplying Automatic Water Level Controller. Our given range of water level controllers is acclaimed in the industry for their attributes. This water level controller is made up of finest material & leading edge technology. The offered water level controller is properly examined on different parameters of quality in order to make certain their quality. Our customers can take these water level controllers from us at nominal rates.

Rain Alarm Project

Rain Alarm Project

The main purpose in designing this Rain Alarm project is to provide proper irrigation system in the field of agriculture. It is mainly used to reduce human intervention.  Rain Alarm comprises of soil moisture sensor, a transistor driver and a fan motor indicating a pump.
When soil moisture condition is fully wet, sensor changes the output logic to de-energized driver to make pump motor OFF. When soil moisture condition is dry sensor changes the output logic to  turn the pump motor ON.
Kit Contents: Sensor, Solderless Multipurpose breadboard, Set of Components, Accessories, Connector, Motor, Wire.
With this solderless breadboard approach none of the component is soldered, hence all the components can be used again and again to try such multiple circuits.


Water is a conductor of electricity. When water is in contact with the probe then there is a flow of current toward the base of  NPN transistor (BC548), which conducts. With the conduction of NPN transistor, electron reaches to Q2, which is a PNP transistor . PNP transistor (BC558) also conducts and current flows through the speaker. In a speaker there is inductive coil which causes motion in one direction and after that produces induce current, which is in opposite direction to the flow of current this induced current in the form of pulse, flows through a capacitor, resistance and makes 1st transistor BC548 off for an inter-well and after-that it relaxes to previous state. This process repeats again and again till probe is in contact with water and an oscillation is created in the circuit. Speaker diaphragm vibrates and gives a tone.
Block Diagram

Remote monitoring of patient body temperature over internet

Remote monitoring of patient body temperature over internet

The main aim of the Remote Monitoring of Patient Body Temperature is to acquire real-time body temperature of a person remotely over internet falling under the category of Internet of Things-IOT. For this real-time scenario we take one digital temperature sensor, interfaced to a micro-controller of 8051 series to send live data to a remote location anywhere in the world over internet.

The data is directly sent through a Wi-Fi module interfaced to the micro-controller under TCP IP protocol to a dedicated IP on the cloud via networked wireless modem environment.
Itdisplays the data in real time chart form such as line type, bar type, pie  type etc. in any internet connected PC / Laptop either for viewing by self or by public.. The real time data is also seen at the sending end upon a LCD display interfaced to the microcontroller.
 The power supply consists of a step down transformer 230/12V, which steps down the voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using a Bridge rectifier and it is then regulated to +5V using a voltage regulator 7805 which is required for the operation of the microcontroller , 3.3 volt for the Wi-Fi unit and other components. 

Block Diagram:

Remote monitoring of transformer

Remote Monitoring of Transformer:

The main aim of the Remote Monitoring of transformer is to acquire real-time data of distribution transformers remotely over internet falling under the category of Internet of Things-IOT. As we know, in our power system the transformer and generator are our expensive and important equipment’s.  If anyone from both is damage or trip due to any reason such as temperaturecurrent or voltage then the whole supply would be switched offed. Then the time and money both would be waste, so the real-time monitoring of transformer and generator is mandatory for supplying the smooth supply to the consumer. Different companies and peoples are working for the real-time monitoring and protection of these expensive equipment’s but their system cost and size is so much high anywhere in the world.

Here we have designed a system that is called the remote monitoring of transformer /generator health over internet with the help of pic micro-controller 18F 452, temperature sensor, current sensor, voltage sensor, Wi-Fi module and analogue to digital converter. By using this system, the user or supply company can easily check the instant status of their transformer or generator at their homes through the internet WI-FI service. Pic micro-controller is used in this embedded system project project. you may also like to check pic micro-controller tutorials for beginners and experts.
 The power supply consists of a step down transformer 230/12V, which steps down the voltage to 12V AC. This is converted to DC using a Bridge rectifier and it is then regulated to +5V using a voltage regulator 7805. It is required for the operation of the micro-controller , 3.3 volt for the Wi-Fi unit and other components. 

IOT based Home Automation Over the Cloud

IOT based Home Automation Over the cloud

Short Description :-

The main purpose of this IOT Based Home automation project is to control any load through the Internet network over cloud. It works  remotely on the basic principle of the Internet of things (IOT). For this real-time scenario we use webpage with user configurab
le front end to control and monitor the load. The data sent from from a password protected webpage returns commands through allotted IP fed to it. A Wi-Fi Module is configured with any nearby wireless modem to access internet.  The  received internet commands are fed to the Wi-Fi module. The program within the Wi-Fi Module execute the received commands based on which the load  gets activated through TRIAC and Opto-coupler interfaced to Wi-Fi Module. The status of the load also will be displayed on the web page.
Here in this project program in written within the Wi-Fi module, No extra microcontroller has been used to drive the load.
The power supply consists of 5V SMPS board and 3.
3V voltage regulator for a Wi-Fi module. 5V SMPS board will give 5V DC out from 230V AC, this we fed to 3.3V voltage regulator which supply power to Wi-Fi module and remaining circuit.
Block Diagram:

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Internet Of Things (IOT)

5. IOT Electronic Door Opener:

Opening and closing the door have become boring, so this “IOT Electronic Door Opener” makes the task easy for the door opener. This system is very helpful in malls, hotels, railway stations, Bus Stands, Big houses, and many other security offices. This Electronic Door Opener is used for automation and security purposes. This project tries to fulfill the same using IOT technology over the electronic door lock making.

This automation and security simultaneously achieved through web connectivity through which a user can open and close the door. IOT based Electronic Door Opener is controlled by microcontroller. This project runs on the internet using wifi module.

Working of IOT Electronic Door Opener:

On the website, once the authorized person logs in he gets a direct access of the door to open or close it. When a command from the web interface received to open the door, it instructs the relevant drivers to start the motor of the door in a particular direction till the door fully opens and then stop. Likewise, when a command from the web interface received to close the door, controller instructs the relevant drivers to rotate in counter direction till the door fully closes. In this way the automation and security is achieved using this project.

To open the door automatically without any net connectivity, we can use Automatic Door Opener system. This system uses different sensors like Infrared, pressure, ultrasonic, laser etc. This project helps in monitoring the door by detecting the presence of a human. By using infrared sensor, we can detect human presence because all humans emit infrared radiations .

This change in infrared pattern is converted to a voltage. The voltage from the Data Out of the PIR Sensor can be given to a micro-controller for further processing like controlling a motor etc.

Internet Of Things (IOT)

4. IOT Garbage Monitoring System:

This IOT Garbage Monitoring System is used to keep the cities clean. Now a day, it is very difficult to go to every garbage bin and check the level of the bin. Especially in India, there are lots of dirty places just because they don’t take care of these garbage bins. People find it difficult to check the level of every garbage bin. To solve this problem, we have created this “IOT Garbage Monitoring System” to check the level of the bins. This is run by a web page through internet connectivity. This system monitors the garbage bins and informs about the level of garbage collected in the garbage bin via a web page.


IOT Garbage Monitoring System Working:

This Garbage Monitoring system works like this; the system uses ultrasonic sensors placed over the bins to detect the garbage level and compare it with the garbage bins depth. The system makes use of AVR family microcontroller, LCD Screen, Wifi modem for sending data and a buzzer. The LCD screen is used to display the status of the level of garbage collected in the bins and web page is built to show the status to the user monitoring it. The webpage gives a graphical view of the garbage bins and highlights the garbage collected in color in order to show the level of garbage collected. The LCD screen shows the status of the garbage level.

The system puts on the buzzer when the level of garbage collected crosses the set limit. Thus, this system helps to keep the city clean by informing about the garbage levels of the bins by providing graphical image of the bins via IOT Gecko web development platform.